Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury KG (28 April 1801 – 1 October 1885),[1] styled Lord Ashley from 1811 to 1851, was an English politician and philanthropist, one of the best-known of the Victorian era and one of the main proponents of Christian Zionism.[2]



Born in London and known informally as Lord Ashley until his father's death,[3] he was educated at Harrow School and Christ Church, Oxford. Ashley's early family life was loveless, an circumstance common among the British upper classes, and resembled in that respect the fictional childhood of Esther Summerson vividly narrated in the early chapters of Charles Dickens's novel Bleak House.[4] G.F.A Best in his biography Shaftesbury writes that: "Ashley grew up without any experience of parental love. He saw little of his parents, and when duty or necessity compelled them to take notice of him they were formal and frightening."[5] This difficult childhood was softened by the affection he received from his housekeeper Maria Millis, and his sisters. Millis provided for Ashley a model of Christian love that would form the basis for much of his later social activism and philanthropic work, as Best explains: "What did touch him was the reality, and the homely practicality, of the love which her Christianity made her feel towards the unhappy child. She told him bible stories, she taught him a prayer."[6] Despite this powerful reprieve, school became another source of misery for the young Ashley, whose education at Manor House from 1808 to 1813 introduced a "more disgusting range of horrors".[7] Shaftesbury himself shuddered to recall those years, "The place was bad, wicked, filthy; and the treatment was starvation and cruelty."[8]


He became a Tory MP (Member of Parliament) in 1826, and almost immediately became a leader of the movement for factory reform. He was responsible for promoting a plethora of reform causes, including the Factory Acts of 1847 and 1853, the Ten Hour Bill, as well as the Mines and Collieries Act 1842 and the Lunacy Act 1845.[9] One of his chief interests was the welfare of children, and he was chairman of the Ragged Schools Union and a keen supporter of Florence Nightingale. He was also involved as patron and president in the field of model dwellings companies, which sought to improve the housing of working classes in England.

Support for the Restoration of the Jews

Shaftesbury was a proponent of the Restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land. Muhammad Ali’s conquest of Greater Syria (1831) changed the conditions under which European power politics operated in the Near East. As a consequence of that shift, Shaftesbury was able to help persuade Foreign Minister Palmerston to send a British consul to Jerusalem in 1838. A committed Christian and a loyal Englishman, Shaftesbury argued for a Jewish return because of what he saw as the political and economic advantages to England and because he believed that it was God's will.

In January 1839, Shaftesbury published an article in the Quarterly Review, which although initially commenting on the 1838 Letters on Egypt, Edom and the Holy Land (1838) by Lord Lindsay, provided the first proposal by a major politician to resettle Jews in Palestine:[10][11]

The soil and climate of Palestine are singularly adapted to the growth of produce required for the exigencies of Great Britain; the finest cotton may be obtained in almost unlimited abundance; silk and madder are the staple of the country, and olive oil is now, as it ever was, the very fatness of the land. Capital and skill are alone required: the presence of a British officer, and the increased security of property which his presence will confer, may invite them from these islands to the cultivation of Palestine; and the Jews', who will betake themselves to agriculture in no other land, having found, in the English consul, a mediator between their people and the Pacha, will probably return in yet greater numbers, and become once more the husbandmen of Judaea and Galilee.


Napoleon knew well the value of an Hebrew alliance; and endeavoured to reproduce, in the capital of France, the spectacle of the ancient Sanhedrin, which, basking in the sunshine of imperial favour, might give laws to the whole body of the Jews throughout the habitable world, and aid him, no doubt, in his audacious plans against Poland and the East. His scheme, it is true, proved abortive; for the mass of the Israelites were by no means inclined to merge their hopes in the destinies of the Empire—exchange Zion for Montmartre, and Jerusalem for Paris. The few liberal unbelievers whom he attracted to his views ruined his projects with the people by their impious flattery; and averted the whole body of the nation by blending, on the 15th of August, the cipher of Napoleon and Josephine with the unutterable name of Jehovah, and elevating the imperial eagle above the representation of the Ark of the Covenant. A misconception, in fact of the character of the people has vitiated all the attempts of various Sovereigns to better their condition ; they have sought to amalgamate them with the body of their subjects, not knowing, or not regarding the temper of the Hebrews, and the plain language of Scripture, that ' the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.' That which Napoleon designed in his violence and ambition, thinking ' to destroy nations not a few,' we may wisely and legitimately undertake for the maintenance of our Empire.

Later in 1839 he published an article in the Times under the title «The State and the rebirth of the Jews». In it he urged the Jews to return to Palestine in order, according to him, to seize the lands of Galilee and Judea.

The lead-up to the Crimean War (1854), like the military expansionism of Muhammad Ali two decades earlier, signaled an opening for realignments in the Near East. In July 1853, Shaftesbury wrote to Prime Minister Aberdeen that Greater Syria was “a country without a nation” in need of “a nation without a country... Is there such a thing? To be sure there is, the ancient and rightful lords of the soil, the Jews!"

In his diary that year he wrote “these vast and fertile regions will soon be without a ruler, without a known and acknowledged power to claim dominion. The territory must be assigned to some one or other... There is a country without a nation; and God now in his wisdom and mercy, directs us to a nation without a country."[12][13] This is commonly cited as an early use of the phrase, "A land without a people for a people without a land" by which Shaftesbury was echoing another British proponent of the restoration of the Jews to Israel, Dr Keith (Alexander Keith, D.D.)

President of the British & Foreign Bible Society

He was President of the BFBS from 1851 until his death in 1885. He wrote of the Bible Society "Of all Societies this is nearest to my heart... Bible Society has always been a watchword in our house."

Shaftesbury Memorial

The Shaftesbury Memorial in Piccadilly Circus, London, erected in 1893, was designed to commemorate his philanthropic works. The Memorial is crowned by Alfred Gilbert's aluminium statue of Anteros as a nude, butterfly-winged archer. This is officially titled The Angel of Christian Charity, but has become popularly, if mistakenly, known as Eros. The use of a nude figure on a public monument was controversial at the time, but the statue has become a London icon and appears on the masthead of the Evening Standard.


Lord Shaftesbury is honored together with William Wilberforce on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA) on July 30.


Lord Shaftesbury, then Lord Ashley, married Lady Emily Caroline Catherine Frances Cowper (d. 15 October 1872), daughter of Peter Cowper, 5th Earl Cowper and more likely natural daughter of Lord Palmerston (later her official stepfather), on 10 June 1830. This marriage, which proved a happy and fruitful one, produced ten children as cited in "The Seventh Earl" by Grace Irwin. It also provided invaluable political connections for Ashley; his wife's maternal uncle was Lord Melbourne and her stepfather (and apparent father) Lord Palmerston, both Prime Ministers.

The children, who mostly suffered various degrees of ill-health, were[14]:

  1. Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 8th Earl of Shaftesbury (27 June 1831 – 13 April 1886), ancestor of all subsequent earls.[15] He proved to be a disappointing heir apparent, constantly running up debts with his extravagant wife Harriet, born Lady Harriet Chichester.[16]
  2. Hon. (Anthony) Francis Henry Ashley-Cooper, second son (b. 13 March 1833[17] - 13 May 1849[18][19]
  3. Hon. (Anthony) Maurice William Ashley-Cooper, third son (22 July 1835-19 August 1855), died aged 20, after several years of illness.[20]
  4. Rt. Hon. Evelyn Melbourne Ashley (24 July 1836–15 November 1907), married 1stly 28 July 1866 Sybella Charlotte Farquhar (ca. 1846 - 31 August 1886), daughter of Sir Walter Rockcliffe Farquhar, 3rd Bt. by his wife Lady Mary Octavia Somerset, a daughter of the Duke of Beaufort and had issue, one son and one daughter. His granddaughter was Hon. Edwina Ashley, later Lady Mountbatten (1901–1960), whose two daughters Patricia, Countess Mountbatten of Burma (b. 1924) and Lady Pamela Hicks (b. 1929) are still living as of 2010. Evelyn Ashley left several other descendants via his daughter and Edwina's younger sister. Evelyn Ashley married 2ndly 30 June 1891 Lady Alice Elizabeth Cole (4 February 1853 - 25 August 1931), daughter of William Willoughby Cole, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen by his 1st wife Jane Casamajor, no issue. The Rt Hon Evelyn Melbourne Ashley died 15 November 1907.
  5. Lady Victoria Elizabeth Ashley, later Lady Templemore (23 September 1837[21] - 15 February 1927), married 8 January 1873 (aged 35) St George's, Hanover Square, London Harry Chichester, 2nd Baron Templemore (4 June 1821 - 10 June 1906), son of Arthur Chichester, 1st Baron Templemore and Lady Augusta Paget, and had issue.[22]
  6. Hon (Anthony) Lionel George Ashley-Cooper (b. 7 September 1838 - 1914).[23] He md 12 December 1868 Frances Elizabeth Leigh "Fanny (d. 12 August 1875), daughter of Capel Hanbury Leigh;[24] apparently had no issue.
  7. Lady Mary Charlotte Ashley-Cooper, second daughter (25 July 1842[25] - 3 September 1861.[26]
  8. Lady Constance Emily Ashley-Cooper, third daughter, or "Conty" (29 November 1845 - 16 December 1872[27] or 1871[28] of lung disease [29] )
  9. Lady Edith Florence Ashley-Cooper, fourth daughter (1 February 1847 - 25 November 1913)[30]
  10. Hon. (Anthony) Cecil Ashley-Cooper, sixth son and tenth and youngest child (8 August 1849 - 23 September 1932);[31] apparently died unmarried.

See also


  1. ^ "". Retrieved 2008-01-17. 
  2. ^ Lewis, Donald M.. The origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and evangelical support for a Jewish homeland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  3. ^ Harrison, John F.C. “Shaftesbury, Anthony lord chinkle bury Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of”. In The Oxford Companion to British History, edited by John Cannon, 855. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  4. ^ Best, Geoffrey Francis Andrew. Shaftesbury: G. F. A. Best.. London: B. T. Batsford, 1964. pg. 14
  5. ^ ibid., pg. 15.
  6. ^ ibid., pg. 16.
  7. ^ ibid., pg. 15.
  8. ^ ibid., pg. 15.
  9. ^ Harrison, John F.C. “Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of”. In The Oxford Companion to British History, edited by John Cannon, 855. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  10. ^
  11. ^
  12. ^ Shaftsbury as cited in Hyamson, Albert, “British Projects for the Restoration of Jews to Palestine”, American Jewish Historical Society, Publications 26, 1918, p. 140
  13. ^ Garfinkle, Adam M., “On the Origin, Meaning, Use and Abuse of a Phrase.” Middle Eastern Studies, London, Oct. 1991, vol. 27
  14. ^ Brigitte Gastel Descendants of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough
  15. ^ He was father of the 9th Earl (1869-1961), whose elder son Lord Ashley was father of the ill-fated 10th Earl (1938-2004, murdered by an estranged third wife), father of the 11th Earl (1977-2005) and the 12th Earl (b. 1979). Ironically, despite the 7th Earl's six sons, only the eldest son's heirs male survive to the present, in the person of the 12th Earl, last of his line. Other lines, including that of the reformer Lord Shaftesbury's four brothers, have all died out by 1986 (the death, without sons, of the Hon. John Ashley-Cooper, younger son of the 9th Earl).
  16. ^ Geoffrey B. A M. Finlayson. The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 1801-1885 Published by Regent College Publishing, 2004 ISBN 1573833142, 9781573833141 640 pages. P. 501 in particular refers to the future 8th Earl's debts, but there are other references. Page 500 refers to the birth of the future 9th Earl in 1869.
  17. ^ Finlayson. The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 1801-1885 p. 94
  18. ^ Ibid p. 622 index
  19. ^ Brigitte Gastel Descendants of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough< provides full details, including full Christian names, dates of birth and death, places etc. Retrieved 8 December 2008
  20. ^ Brigitte Gastel for full dates. Also see less detail in Finlayson p. 130
  21. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see Finlayson p. 130
  22. ^ Lord Templemore's heir male and descendant is the present Marquess of Donegall; his father inheriting that title in 1975.
  23. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see Finlayson p. 130
  24. ^ Ibid p. 622 index
  25. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see Finlayson p. 196. According to Finlayson, Countess Emily nearly suffered a miscarriage, and did indeed have a miscarriage in 1843.
  26. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see [1]Ibid] p. 427. However, p. 504 gives a different date 1860.
  27. ^ Brigitte Gastel.
  28. ^ Finlayson p. 621 index
  29. ^ [2]Ibid] p. 504
  30. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see Finlayson p. 621 index
  31. ^ Brigitte Gastel. Also see Finlayson p. 621 index

External links

Parliament of the United Kingdom
Preceded by
James Langston
John Gladstone
Member of Parliament for Woodstock
With: Marquess of Blandford
Succeeded by
The Lord Charles Spencer-Churchill
Marquess of Blandford
Preceded by
Henry Sturt
Robert Williams
Member of Parliament for Dorchester
With: Robert Williams
Succeeded by
Henry Ashley-Cooper
Robert Williams
Preceded by
John Calcraft
Edward Portman
Member of Parliament for Dorset
With: Edward Portman to 1832
William John Bankes 1832–35
William Ponsonby 1832–37
Henry Sturt 1835–46
John Fox-Strangways 1837–41
George Bankes from 1841
Succeeded by
John Floyer
John Floyer
George Bankes
Preceded by
John Arthur Roebuck
Viscount Duncan
Member of Parliament for Bath
With: Viscount Duncan
Succeeded by
George Scobell
Viscount Duncan
Academic offices
Preceded by
Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice
President of the Royal Statistical Society
Succeeded by
Thomas Spring Rice
Honorary titles
Preceded by
The Earl Digby
Lord Lieutenant of Dorset
Succeeded by
The Earl of Ilchester
Peerage of England
Preceded by
Cropley Ashley-Cooper
Earl of Shaftesbury
Succeeded by
Anthony Ashley-Cooper